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Chin Filler is Trending: Do You Need It?

We’ve all heard of lip fillers and cheek fillers, but chin fillers? Yep, it’s a thing now!

Believe it or not, tens of thousands of people have headed to their local aesthetics clinic to ask for a ‘chin job’, influenced by the rising social media trend of facial contouring.

But is getting a chin job your answer to that dreamy snatched jawline? Or is it just a trendy TikTok dream?

Let's dive into what chin fillers can (and maybe can't) do for you.

The Truth About Chin Filler

Lately, the term "snatched jawline" has been buzzing, especially on TikTok. With the hashtag #snatchedjawline drawing over 210 million views, it's more than just a fleeting trend.

This surge in popularity has introduced a slew of products and treatments, from face rollers to special creams.

But the one that stands out? Chin fillers.

So, what are they exactly? 

Chin fillers are basically injections that help shape your chin and tighten the skin around it. 

By putting filler under the chin, medically trained Injectors can make the chin look longer, creating that ‘snatched’ jawline look and a standout profile.

Many injectors use chin fillers to create definition in the lower third of the face. 

When injected in combination with the cheeks and jawline fillers, it can create the desirable heart-shaped face.

Perfect for TikTok selfies or simply feeling better in general, chin fillers can refine the jawline, smoothen the skin, and contribute to a more proportional facial look.


chin filler mt juliet

Pros & Cons of Chin Filler

Like all dermal fillers, there are pros and cons to consider. Here are a few things to think about before taking the plunge: 

Pros of Chin Filler

  • Instant Results: Unlike surgical procedures, chin fillers offer almost immediate results. You can see the difference in your jawline and chin immediately after the treatment.
  • Temporary: If you’re unsure about how chin fillers might look on your, the effects of chin fillers are temporary. Most last between 6 to 18 months, depending on the product used and individual factors.
  • Improves Proportions: Fillers can help balance out facial features, making the face look more symmetrical.

Cons of Chin Filler

  • Cost: Like many injectables, chin fillers can be pricey. especially as they need to be maintained every few months to a year.
  • Temporary Nature: For those who love the result, the temporary nature of fillers can be a downside as it requires regular treatments to maintain.

In general, the pros for chin fillers easily outweigh the cons. 

There is zero downtime, and the results are temporary. Meaning, if you don’t like them (and even if you do!), they will go away. 

Are Chin Fillers Right For You? 

Your chin plays a pivotal role in your facial aesthetics. If it doesn't match the rest of your face, things might look a bit weird.

But just because longer chins are in, doesn't mean everyone should have one.

As with all treatments, it’s worth taking a look at all of your features and what your end goals are.

A small chin might make your nose stand out more, while a big one can look too strong. 

Which is why your aesthetician might recommend pairing it with other tweaks, like lateral jawline fillers, to get that perfect balance.

It’s important to find an aesthetician who has an eye for facial proportions and can hear your thoughts and concerns before injecting. 

Where to Find Chin Fillers in Mt. Juliet, TN

If you’re considering chin fillers and are local to Mt. Juliet, West Wilson Aesthetics can help. 

Our medically trained and certified Injectors specialize in various dermal fillers, whether it's for the lips, cheeks, chin, or jaw. Our primary goal is to help you achieve that perfect facial balance.

If you're on the fence about chin fillers or any other procedure, our team is ready to guide you. During your consultation, we'll discuss the best options to match your desired results.

To schedule your appointment, use the link below or call us at (615) 601-8949 between 9 am to 5 pm.

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