Remove Unwanted Cellulite

Cellulite Removal in Mount Juliet, TN

Are you tired of dealing with stubborn cellulite that just won't go away, no matter how much you diet or exercise? We get it! 

At West Wilson Aesthetics in Mount Juliet, TN, our advanced cellulite removal treatment utilizes cutting-edge technology to target and address the underlying causes of cellulite, giving you smoother, firmer, and more contoured skin.

What is it?
Cellulaze is a minimally invasive laser treatment specifically designed to target cellulite. It uses a laser to break down the collagen bands beneath the skin that contribute to the appearance of cellulite. By releasing these bands and stimulating collagen synthesis, Cellulaze aims to improve the texture and reduce the dimpled appearance of cellulite.
What does it treat?
Cellulaze aims to improve the texture and reduce the dimpled appearance of cellulite.
  • Melasma
  • Pigmentation
  • Tattoo removal
It also helps:
  • reduce wrinkles and pore sizes
  • improve skin tone and texture
What can you expect?
Cellulaze is performed under local anesthesia, numbing only the affected areas. A small incision is made to insert the laser beneath the skin. Afterward, initial pressure dressings like gauze are applied to allow for drainage. The entire procedure takes about an hour, and the incision wound typically heals completely within a few days.
How-to prepare
We recommend to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before your appointment, and stop taking blood thinners, such as Aspirin leading up to your visit. Lastly, since Cellulaze is typically performed under local anesthesia, you may not require a designated driver. However, it is always a good idea to plan for transportation in case you experience any post-treatment discomfort or drowsiness.
One week prior


24 hours prior


Day of

Just prior to treatment, remove all makeup, lotions, deodorant or oil from the area to be treated.

Clean area to be treated thoroughly using a facial cleanser or mild soap and water, and alcohol to remove skin oils. Allow the skin to dry before treating.

No jewelry.

Expected downtime
It's normal for the treated areas to remain pink or hyperpigmented for several weeks post-treatment. For the best results, we recommend wearing compression garments for up to three weeks to boost circulation.
Post-Treatment Dos:

Wash the treatment area gently with soap and water (Do not soak).

Cool the skin post treatment as needed with cold gel packs, cool gel, or cool air.

Post-Treatment Donts:

Do not shave the treated area if crusting is evident.

Avoid contact sports or any other activity that could cause injury to the treated area.

Avoid sun exposure between treatments.

If sun exposure is unavoidable, use a SPF 30+ sunblock to cover exposed, treated areas.

How Long Will Cellulaze Last?

How long until you see results?

Cellulaze results can last years. However, it's important to note that single treatments are typically never perfect indefinitely, and developing a maintenance plan with your medically trained professional at West Wilson Aesthetics over time is critical. The maintenance plan will depend on your skin's elasticity, as well as cellulite development following the procedure.

How long do results last?


Microneedling (Potenza™) PRICING

1 - 30 UNITS
per unit
per unit

Tempsure vs. Cellulaze for Cellulite Removal

TempSure and Cellulaze are two different treatments used for different purposes:

TempSure: TempSure is a non-invasive radiofrequency (RF) treatment used for skin tightening and rejuvenation. It delivers RF energy to the targeted area, stimulating collagen production and promoting a tighter and smoother appearance of the skin. It can be used to address various concerns, including wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin.

Cellulaze: Cellulaze is a minimally invasive laser treatment specifically designed to target cellulite. It uses a laser to break down the collagen bands beneath the skin that contribute to the appearance of cellulite. By releasing these bands and stimulating collagen synthesis, Cellulaze aims to improve the texture and reduce the dimpled appearance of cellulite.It's important to note that TempSure and Cellulaze serve different purposes and are used for different cosmetic concerns. TempSure focuses on overall skin tightening and rejuvenation, while Cellulaze specifically targets cellulite. The choice between the two treatments depends on your specific goals and the concerns you wish to address. Consulting with a qualified healthcare professional will help determine which treatment is most suitable for you.